

Millions of indirect and direct dollars and tax dollars are pumped into the local economy through the convention and tourism industry. Together, Destination Missoula and its partners (members) can build a strong community foundation by jointly investing resources and attracting visitors to Missoula.


In 2018, tourists spent $307,000,000 in Missoula County alone. We strive to be a successful tourist destination as our neighbors in Billings, Spokane, the Tricities and Boise. To be the best that Missoula can be, and in turn, helping your business get a share of this economic pie, your support is valuable.


Your partnership increases our voice at the city, county, and state levels. The more we support tourism, the more our community benefits.


Knowledge is power. By being a partner of Destination Missoula you will have a better understanding of tourism. This will benefit you, your company, your employees, and your clients when you plan your marketing. When you know about different groups coming into town, you can inform and schedule your employees and advertising to meet those needs and draw more people to your business. Travelers like informed employees and will visit a town again when they feel welcomed and supported.


Destination Missoula is a tool for its partners to network and together benefit from the tourism industry. It allows you to partner with other businesses on marketing, economic development, and service issues to help tourism grow and flourish in Missoula. When tourism grows, your business benefits.

Community Pride

Healthy communities rely on community support to play a part in their success. Just by being a partner of Destination Missoula you contribute to the continued good health of our community with very little effort. And, if you get involved with one of the many committees we have, you can work on concerns that directly affect you.


It’s true that the more you give the more you receive. Not only will Missoula benefit from you joining Destination Missoula, but your involvement will benefit you. You DO make a difference!

Missoula Gets Noticed!

Find out what is going on in the Missoula area, and keep up-to-date on what is getting Missoula noticed! Please reference the Destination Missoula bulletin board and calendar of events for more information.